Showing posts with label glastonbury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glastonbury. Show all posts



The morning, mist slumping from the fields, greets me

With a dazzling smile, Autumn sunshine in the soft air

Squirrels, tails punctuating the roofline, gather food

Where the eaves and gutters are waiting for leaves

And, up in the Museum tree, two jacks chat to a spotted cat

Waiting, hopefully, beneath. Eyes watching me


Along the lane, among the white nettle, ivy and old apple trees

I spot a chiff-chaff checking along branches or maybe it’s a willow warbler

Sage and yellow against the fresh, grassy snort of nearby horses

At the stile, the hazel branches form a perfect picture frame 

For the Tor, wearing a wide brimmed blue-sky hat

And a green skirt sprigged with people and sheep


Returning past the meadows, a lone swan glides

Schooner skimming the green seas low along the river line

A feathered arrow from an angel’s bow

Blackberry, elderberry, crab apple, chestnut, conkers

The colour of Autumn spilling from the trees

All festoon the path home in celebration of a passing summer


Feel the year slow, the fierce summer sun soften

The promise of Spring setting into ripe Autumn fruit

The harvest home, the seed set, the hard work won

A smile, a chat, a wide brimmed hat

And an early Autumn morning



Noon, Midsummer (20.06.20)

A westerly wind

Throws its arms around my shoulders

A warm hug

While all the leaves

Laugh loudly

On this midsummer noon

A day flying bat over the pond

Mirrored by a dragonfly

Above the rust and ragged robin

Dances in time to distant drums

Young apples and old carp

The perfect balance

A snapshot

Of this midpoint on the solstice


On the hill they wait

Old stones counting songs

Till sunset

But here, in this warm breeze

Now the storm has past

I count my blessings

As the year moves on




Blue Hill Town

Above the blue hill town
Swifts weave a May Queen's crown
Around the old tower

Dancing in the wide sky
They turn and quarter, flying high
With ribbons of summer

And on the moor below
A golden cloak of buttercups glow
Around the blue hill town

The air is full of summer's heat
And the river still spring water sweet
Maybe our pilgrim paths will meet
(And we will dance like kings and queens)
Like ribbons of summer
Woven through
The blue hill town

[notes: -bury, suffix ~ from old english 'burh' (a fortified place), ton (Dun hillfort) ~ old english enclosure, manor , glas ~ Cornish for blue , Glastonbury Tor is composed of blue lias stone and clays]


The Dragon Pool

In the shadows of the hill
Submerged but not slumbering
You fear its heat upon your skin
The fiery breath lingering

But the dragon is not here for you
You are too small to catch its eye
And it's always best to let it rest
Where dragons like to lie

And should it rumble at the sound
Of the ripples from your wishing stone
Well perhaps you shouldn't dare to wish
Upon a dragon's home

In the shadows of the hill
Submerged but not slumbering
You fear its heat upon your skin
The fiery breath lingering

But I will not let it harm you
The dragon always heeds my will
Submerged but not slumbering
In the shadows of the hill