
Incandescence (Twelve Poems)

I have curated twelve poems from the last three years into a Microsoft Sway presentation, so it can be read on a device or phone. The poems are split onto four seasons to echo either their subject matter or when they were written. The first two, Nowadays and The String bag were written during this period of lockdown.

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The Glowing Lanterns

This morning, early mist still rising
The river fields are lit with glowing lanterns
Hanging above the sweet meadow grass
Still full of faerie magic

There must have been a ball last night
Beneath these dandelion lamps
A waltz of wings and wild singing
With wine from drops of silver dew

Hedgerow birds are waking with a chorus
The river mist evaporating in the sun
But all across the rich green pastures
Glowing lanterns are still strung

Left alight for those who wake
Too early for the mortal world
There, in magic light they’ll stay
Beneath the glowing lanterns


The String Bag

I make a string bag from shiny twine
Because what else is there to do
Passing time, treading water
This slow labour of knots
Each a quiet prayer for us all to stay safe
Stay put, stay at home
Tying in memories of better times
Trying to remember, stringing out the hours
Not to read the headlines, not to be afraid
An octopus would be easier to contain
So I live in this moment
Gathering you up like lemons and limes
Holding you, holding it all in
A shiny bag I made of string